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Estate Planning & Elder Law

Wills Trusts Probate

Family Legacy Planning

It is not what you gather, but what you scatter that tells the kind of life you have lived.

                                                            ~Helen Walton



The most important things in life are not things, but family treasures like core values, morals, wisdom and memories. Legacy Planning is a more holistic approach to estate planning. It is the creation of a definitive plan for managing your total wealth while you’re alive, and distributing your estate how you choose after your death.

Armed with clarity of your purpose, intentions, values and goals your personal legacy plan is constructed.  Constructing the plan is only the beginning, we serve as the liason between you and your professional advisor team, working with your CPA, Insurance Agent, Investment Manager and other advisors to implement the plan. We develop life long relationships with our clients and thier families.

What We Do

Estate Planning Attorney Elder Law Attorney Medicaid Planning Estate Planning Attorney near Fenton, Michigan Power of Attorney Financial Power of Attorney Medical Power of Attorney Patient Advocate Living will Trust, Living Trust, Revocable Trust Special Needs Trust Asset Protection Ladybird Deed Deed Probate avoidance Legacy planning Nursing home
Elder Law
All of the above plus Medicaid, medicaid planning Nursing Home Elder Elder Law Seniors Ladybird Deed Deed Fenton Michigan Linden grand blanc Hartland Brancheau Lawn Firm Stacey
Elder Law
Wills Probate Personal Representative Trustee Trust Guardianship, Guardian Conservatorship, Conservator Brancheau Law Firm Fenton Michigan serving Linden, Flint, Grand Blanc, Hartland, Holly, Byron, Swartz Creek

Get Started Today


Contact Us

1100 Torrey Road, Suite 200 Fenton, MI 48430

(810) 629-2222


Monday through Thursday 8:30 to 4:30

Friday 8:30 to 12:30

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